Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Fully Alive Unit 1

Dear Families,
We are ready to begin the first theme of Fully Alive, our family life program. The partnership of home, church and school is so important, this message is to let you know what we talk about in class and to offer some ideas for your involvement.
About Theme One
The first theme of Fully Alive, called “Created and Loved by God” is like the foundation of a house. Everything else depends on it. In this theme we explore the Christian belief that we are all created in God’s image, and that God loves each one of us. We are a very special creation. We respect and value ourselves and others.

In Theme One we will
*discover some of the ways in which each of us is a unique person whom God created and loves.
*explore the children’s growth and development in the past and look ahead to the coming year.
*learn more about feelings and the choices we have in how we express them.

Working together at school and at home
Take this opportunity to talk to your child about his or her special qualities and gifts, and also those of other members of your family. In class we will be talking about how important it is to share our gifts with others.
Your child will be bringing home an information sheet about growing and developing, and will need some help from you. In class, we will learn that we all grow and develop in our own way. Please send in a baby picture that we can put up on our wall (with your child’s name printed on the back). They will be returned to you at the end of the year.

Learning how to manage and express feelings is a big part of growing up and is something we will be talking about in class. Sometimes when children are overwhelmed by feelings of anger or frustration, the best time to talk to them about these feelings is after they have calmed down. It helps to let them know that everyone has these feelings, and has to learn to manage them. You might also discuss alternatives to shouting or hitting such as compromising or making a decision to leave a frustrating situation and find something else to do.

Rite of Enrollment at The Good Shepherd Parish

Just a reminder that this weekend is the Rite of Enrollment for those students who will be celebrating their Reconciliation and First Communion with the Good Shepherd Church.
Students are reminded to bring their host circles (provided in the registration packages) with them.
Mass times are 5pm Saturday, 9 & 11 am Sunday.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Double Double

Related image
A Review of the "Doubles" math strategy we are working on this week.

Use Doubles - One of three core clusters required to develop fluency with addition and subtraction.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fact Families

Learning Fact Families is just one of the many strategies students are learning to solve addition and subtraction tasks. Students have been working on this concept this week. 

Here is a video that explains fact families:

This strategy is going to help children with PART-PART-WHOLE tasks which we will be working on thoughout the year. 
Here is an explanation of PART- PART-WHOLE:


Food Drive

Thank you to all the families who donated canned/packaged foods for our annual food drive. These photos were taken after the first week of the Food Drive.

 As of today, our class, the GREAT and GIVING 2G, has brought in a total of 90 canned goods.


Friday, October 12, 2018


Here are some important learning foundations. Students are strongly encouraged to become familiar with these concepts as we will be building on them to create rich, meaningful sentences. 

Math Centres

This week students worked on 5 number sense math stations. These centres were based on the anchor charts that follow:

  Image result for even steven and odd todd clipart
Students also worked on EVEN and ODD numbers.

Please review all of these important concepts.
Roll to Fill 100. Roll 2 dice. Make a 2 digit number. colour on 100 chart.
Whoever colours 5 in a row wins.

Sorting Even numbers and Odd.

Addition War. You should play this together at home. Great adding practice.
Rolling dice, adding, drawing the sum using 10 frames.

Guess my Number using a number line. Questions must have math language.
Is it an odd number? even? Is it a 2 digit number? Is it greater than? less than? Is it between...

Stop, Drop and Roll

We are so fortunate to have the Lakeshore Fire Department visit our school and teach us about fire safety.
We even had an opportunity to learn about the fire truck and sit inside.

The firefighters wanted to remind students to plan an escape route with their parents, agree on a safe meeting place and they wanted to make sure students know their address and phone number. If your child doesn't know their address (number and street name) or phone number, please make sure you practice this as it is very important in case of an emergency.