Tuesday, April 30, 2019

2 D Geometry

We read the funny story, The Greedy Triangle by Burns, Marilyn and tried to mimic all the polygons he shape-shifted into:
First, the triangle...

Then, the quadrilateral...


and finally a nonagon.

Math + Literacy=

We wrote a "quick write" in our journals on which shape we would like to shape-shift into and why...

Thursday, April 25, 2019


We had a blast on our Read-a-thon, Fitness-a-thon!!!

Students participated in many many fun activities to get their heart pumping and bodies moving.



We had spurts of time where the kids can just chill' and read a book or have a book read to them by volunteers.
Mrs. Boccioletti (a retired teacher from our school)

Mrs. Farrand a superintendent with our school board

Thank you to all the families who donated to our fundraiser! Your generosity will go into making the Innovation Centre an amazing learning environment! Way to go Wildcats!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter

We read the beautiful story, The Legend of the Three Trees. It is a story that begins with three trees that dream big, just as children do...

Wishing you a Blessed and Happy Easter!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Holy Week Tableau

As we approach the most important week of the church calendar, we explored the major events of Holy Week. We wanted to blend drama and religion. Children were so enthusiastic about creating a tableau for each day. They learned that facial expression and body language play a huge role in recreating a scene.
A tableau is a motionless figures representing a scene from a story.

Palm Sunday

Holy Thursday- The Last Supper

Holy Thursday- The arrest of Jesus

Good Friday

Inspired by Famous Artists

Andy Warhol
He is a famous pop artist –  creating paintings of mass-produced commercial goods such as Campbell's soup cans, Coca-Cola bottles, and hamburgers,....
Image result for andy warhol art info for kids  Image result for andy warhol campbell's soup art
We took his technique into account and created our own Andy Warhol inspired art:

Claude Monet
One of the main impressionist artists famous for painting his water landscapes. 
  Image result for claude monet water lilies Image result for claude monet water lilies
We were inspired by his love of nature and created our own multi-media water lilies.

Vincent Van Gogh
One of the most popular Post Impressionist painters was our next inspirational artist. He is famous for hundreds of paintings;
Image result for vincent vangogh Image result for vincent vangogh
We chose to focus on Sunflowers and add our own flair;

Flat Stanley

As a part of our Social Studies unit on Cultures Around the World and our novel study on "Flat Stanley", we thought it might be fun to mail our flat-selves to friends or family that live in another city/country/continent. The grade 2 students decorated and put "themselves" along with the yellow-papered letter (to inform the receiving person of our activity) in an envelope to be sent to their friend or family member, who may be interested in being a part of this project. The yellow letter that is being sent in the envelope states that the person will need to write a letter to tell the class about the area they live in and if possible include a small souvenir. We look forward to seeing where this activity takes us!
Thank you for your help in making this learning a fun adventure!