After searching Pinterest for some fun ideas I came across, "The Walking Rainbow", and thought "How cool that would be??!!" This idea compliments our science unit (states of matter) and art (primary colours mixing to create secondary colours). There are so many other cool things students learned in this S.T.E.M. activity.
First, we filled 3 jars with water and a few drops of food colouring. Each jar was one of the primary colours. Next, we put an empty jar in-between the filled jars.
Then, paper towels were rolled and draped from one jar into the other. We watched and waited. By the end of day 1 the colours were absorbed into the paper towels and water began to fill the empty jars.
When the students came back the next day, we removed the paper towels and this is what they found...
Once the paper towels pull colour from the red, blue, and yellow primary colour jars, they created the secondary colours of green, purple, and orange, completing the rainbow.