Objective: Design and construct a functioning musical instrument.
Invent a new musical instrument that can make a sound by striking, plucking, shaking or blowing.
1. This week we will learn about various types of musical instruments.
2. Students will decide on an instrument that they would like to construct.
On a cue card (that students will be given this week), they will sketch a picture of their instrument, being sure to label what materials they will be using for each part.
3. They will construct their instrument using everyday items. It must be entirely made from ”scratch.”
4. Decorate their instrument (students can use paint, glitter or other items).
5. Name their instrument.
6. Demonstrate their instrument to the class and explain how it was made and how it produces sound.
Students will “play” their instrument in class to demonstrate beat, rhythm and pitch.
There are many ideas online. Here are some:

There are many ideas online. Here are some: