Thursday, January 24, 2019

Reconciliation Preparations are Under Way!

The Grade 2 students have been learning about the Ten Commandments, the act of forgiveness and the importance of penance. Miss Betty, from The Good Shepherd Parish, has also been coming into our classes to teach and prepare the children for their upcoming First Reconciliation. She has been sending home some paper activities for the children to partake in. Please keep those papers at home. The students were asked to bring in their prayers (red construction paper) on Thursday for the retreat. A letter will be going home on Friday to inform families of this event.

    The Grade 2 students will be participating in a First Reconciliation Retreat organized by The Good Shepherd Parish. The children will gather together at the church (the bus will be provided by The Good Shepherd) on Thursday, January 31st from 9:15am to 12:00pm. They will be participating in religious activities at various centres throughout the morning. The activities are designed to support and prepare the children for their Sacrament of Reconciliation, which will take place on March 7th at the school. If you have not yet registered and are interested in having your child receive their sacrament of penance, please contact Betty at The Good Shepherd, as soon as possible.

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