Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Amazing Animals and Insects

One side of this butterfly.
The other side. Looks like a jewel.
This butterfly camouflages and looks like an owl.

The Bug Man
The Tarantula! This tarantula has 10 legs. They have fangs. Tarantulas are really not dangerous for people. Movies and books make them sound scary and dangerous. If a tarantula bites, it hurts less than a bee sting, and your skin swells a little. Some kids were brave and felt the FANGS of this dead tarantula.

King Scorpion
Almost impossible to kill. This beetle has to be flipped in order to die.

Some people use these beetles for jewelry.

Some brave kids let a live, fast, black and orange beetle run across their hands. 

Monty, the live python. Some kids dared to let Monty hang out on their necks! Check out their faces...

Students had the option to let Rosie walk across their hands.