Sunday, March 31, 2019

Easter Egg Assignment

Each student is bringing home an Easter egg. Image result for easter egg clipartThe task is to find a symbol of Holy Week that fits inside the egg. It should not be bought, just something found at home. Students are so creative and have come up with so many ideas already! 
Image result for symbols of holy week easter egg assignment Related image
During the week of Monday, April 15th to Thursday, April 18th, each student will be sharing their secret symbol with the class and explain why they chose the item they did and how it relates to Easter.

What is Holy Week?Image result for Holy Week clipart
Holy Week is the week before Easter. 
The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday, when the crowds welcomed Jesus waving branches.
The Thursday is Holy Thursday or "Maundy Thursday", the day Jesus had the Last Supper with his disciples. Jesus shared the bread and wine and lovingly washed the feet of his apostles. Jesus wanted to be alone to pray and was then arrested. 
Friday is Good Friday. The day Jesus was tortured and nailed to the cross. It is a day of mourning and a day to be grateful that Jesus gave his life for us. 
Easter Sunday is a day of great celebration. The day that Jesus rose from the dead to open the gates of Heaven.