First, we learned some great tips on how to convince someone with our writing:
* think of the audience-use language and ideas that will appeal to them
*give facts and details

We welcomed SNOWFLAKE!
We filled out an application for a job in the North Pole Head Quarters. Here's a few samples. Lets see what happens with that!

Jingle Bells
We had great fun creating a festive dance for the song Jingle Bells. The goal was to work as a group, come up with a pattern core of 4 dance moves that would be repeated at least 3 times to the song Jingle Bells. Oh what fun!
Our school did The Twelve Days of Christmas and it surely was festive everyday!
We had the pleasure of going to St. Anne's to watch their concert and jazz band, and listen to their choir!

Another special treat was going next door to the Leahy Concert at LAFA.