Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Animal Project

A Research Project
*This assignment is going to be assembled in class.  A file folder will be provided to display the information.         
*Complete information (rough draft) to be brought in by Tuesday March 19th.

TASK:  Choose one amazing animal to research for  science.

RESOURCES:  You may use the Internet or books for gathering information.

INCLUDE:   a)  Classification  (is it a mammal, bird, reptile...?)
       b)  Appearance  (what does it look like?)
                 c)  Habitat  (where does it live /structure of home, type of habitat; cold, warm, land, water?)
                 D) Protection (how does it protect itself; camouflage? venom?)
                 e)  Diet  (what does it eat?)
                 f)  Interesting Facts (is this animal endangered? How does it adapt to its environment? does it migrate?)
                 g)  2-3 Pictures  (photographs, computer images, hand-drawn)

          - include in rough draft two points per topic/heading (in sentence form)
Students will print the good copy in class
- be creative!